I want to thank the Evansville Museum of Arts and Science for their generous assistance in researching the history of LST 493 and many other LST issues. Their logo appears at the top of this page. Especially, it is with deep gratitude that I applaud Thomas R. Lonnberg, Curator of History, for his commitment and professionalism while assisting me with even the most obscure information available. Tom is an outstanding resource to everyone who has an interest in the genesis of LSTs constructed at Evansville. He never fails to go that extra step to make sure each inquiry receives his personal touch!

Each photograph that has (Evansville Museum) in the caption came from the Collection of the Evansville Museum of Arts and Science, Evansville, Indiana. In addition to their generous assistance via telephone or email, they have a top notch web site located at: http://www.emuseum.org. Please take the time to review the site and send them your comments and support.


Jim Worth


latest revision: Sept. 19, 1999
For questions please contact:

copyright @ 1999